Do you like woodland creatures ? Are you captivated by squirrels, chipmunks, and the like. If you do you are sure to enjoy this simple animal craft project.
You can make a super simple squirrel from a paper bag and a pinecone.
Craft Project Directions:
To make this craft project you will need a paper bag (lunch bag size), a pine cone, a piece of ribbon, brown construction paper, scissors, glue, tape, scrap papers, and crayons.
To begin, open the paper bag and stuff it most of the way full with old paper scraps. You could use an old newspaper.
Next fold over the opening of the bag so it becomes a flat rectangle and tape it shut. Make sure that this end is flat, otherwise your squirrel won't stand up straight.
Next take a piece of colorful ribbon and tie it tightly around the bag about 2/3 of the way up from the bottom. This will differentiate your squirrel's head from his body.
Tie the ribbon with a nice bow in the front. Now cut out 4 very simple squirrel arms and legs. You can cut just very basic shapes - small rectangles with curved ends. Tape or glue them onto the bottom and sides of the paper bag.
Next cut out two squirrel ears and tape or glue them onto the top of the squirrel's head.
Next take your pinecone and attach it to the back side of the paper bag to make a great tail for your squirrel! Tape or glue it in place.
Now decorate your squirrel's face, adding great facial features.
When you are finished, place him some place special!
Enjoy Crafting!
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