Create some fantastic and decorative paper eggs for Easter from simple materials. They are a snap to make! Fill a basket, make an Easter Egg tree, and more...
To make this craft project you will need colored construction paper, scissors, tape, glue, crayons, and other materials to decorate youe Easter eggs. To begin select all different colors of construction to create your Easter eggs. Each Easter egg will be made from four paper strips of different colors. You could also use the same colors- whatever you wish! First take a piece of colored construction paper, hold it horizontally, and cut strips about 1/2 inch wide. Next cut these strips in half. Repeat with other colors of paper. Now take each of these strips of paper and cut the ends of the strips with your scissors into points. Now you are ready to create your Easter eggs. Take two colorful strips and attach the pointed ends together with tape or glue to form a bowed oval shape. Now attach another paper strip to the two you just attached together at the intersection of the points. Add a fourth paper strip to complete the egg. Use the picture as a guide. Now you have a fabulous Easter egg! Decorate it further with markers, crayons, glitter, and more. Add scriptures to each egg or special Easter messages. Enjoy Crafting!
This project needs to be a bit more complecated coz it took me 5mins to do 50!